
ICA Launches Prostate Cancer Awareness Week 2021

14/09/2021 12:06:09

The Israel Cancer Association marks Prostate Cancer Awareness Day 2021

Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer disease amongst men in Israel

2,713 new cases of invasive prostate cancer were diagnosed in 2018

The risk of prostate cancer is twice as high amongst Jewish men compared to Arab men

A clear downward trend in incidence has been shown from 2006 to 2018 (3.3%)

The survival rate from the disease has increased and is at approx. 97.7% amongst Jewish and other men

World Health Organization: Israel is globally ranked 58 out of 186 in morbidity, and 143 in mortality

Another proof of the importance of physical activity: improves the functioning of
prostate cancer patients receiving radiation treatments

On September 14th, Israel and the entire world will mark Prostate Cancer Awareness Day. Ahead of this day, The ICA along with the Ministry of Health, publish the most updated statistics, showing that prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer disease amongst men; the most prevalent type of cancer amongst Jewish men (and others), and the third most prevalent type of cancer after lung and colorectal cancer in Arab men.

Prof. Lital Keinan-Boker, Director of the Israel Center for Disease Control (ICDC) at the Ministry of Health: "The incidence rate of invasive prostate cancer increases significantly from age 50 and up amongst all populations. The peak of morbidity is evident in the ages of 70-74 amongst Jews and others and 75 and up amongst Arabs. However, compared to Jews and others, Arabs show lower incidence rates in all age groups, aside from 75 and up."

Moshe Bar-Haim, ICA Director General: "This is a great opportunity to remind everyone that researches have shown that adopting a healthy lifestyle may help reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer. A balanced diet, consisting of fruit and vegetables, avoiding processed, smoked, fried, salted and preserved food, reducing the consumption of red meat and choosing water over sweetened beverages, as well as maintaining a balanced body weight, engaging in physical exercise and avoiding smoking. – can all help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. At this time of High Holidays, we call on the pubic to follows a healthy, balanced diet as part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and as an effective, proven way of reducing the risk of prostate cancer."  

The following are the most updated statistics on prostate cancer. Due to the complexity of data collection, the current most updated statistics at the National Cancer Registry refer to 2018:

  • Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer disease amongst men in Israel. In 2018, 2,713 new cases of invasive prostate cancer were diagnosed, of which 2,549 were Jewish and others (94%) and 164 were Arab (6%). According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, this segmentation is different from the general segmentation of men in Israel in 2018: 79.9% in Jews and others, 21.3% in Arabs.

  • As of 31.12.2018, 10,396 men living in Israel were diagnosed with invasive prostate cancer in the 5 years between 2014-2018: 9,807 Jewish and others and 589 Arabs.

  • The standardized incidence rates of invasive prostate cancer, which reflect the risk of developing prostate cancer in 2018, were twice as high amongst Jewish and Arab men compared to Arab men, even in relatively older age. This risk increased with age.

  • The risk of invasive prostate cancer is significantly higher in both population groups over the age of 50. Less than 1% of the patients are diagnosed under the age of 50. Most of the morbidity in Jews and others is among the ages of 70-74 and 75 and up among Arabs.

  • The incidence of new cases diagnosed between 2014-2018 shows a slight increase in Jewish and other men, and a clear downward trend in incidence amongst Arab men during 2006-2018.

  • The relative 5-year survival rate of prostate cancer amongst Jews and others is 97.7% in Jews and others and 86.8% in Arab men. In the past, the relative survival rate was similar in Jewish and Arab men. But while a clear increase was seen in the relative survival rate of Jewish men diagnosed between 2008-2013, no such improvement was seen in Arab men, so that over time, a significant disparity in survival became apparent between the two groups.

  • In 2018, 416 men died of prostate cancer, the third most prevalent cancer disease in Israel after lung and colorectal cancer, causing mortality amongst Jewish and other men. This is the fifth most prevalent cancer causing mortality amongst Arab men after lung, colorectal, pancreatic and stomach cancer.

  • The specific mortality rate per age was similar in both population groups in 2018.

  • Both groups showed a clear downward trend in prostate cancer mortality during 1996-2018, more moderately among Arab men.

    International Comparison

    • According to the World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, prostate cancer is the second most prevalent cancer disease in men worldwide in incidence (1,414,259 new cases in 2020) after lung cancer, and the fifth most prevalent worldwide in mortality (375,304 death cases in 2020) after lung, liver, stomach and colorectal cancers.

    • By global comparison, Israel is ranked 58 out of 186 out or the regions reported to the WHO, and the mortality rate in Israel is ranked very low – 143, which indicates high survival rate, and possibly a high rate of overdiagnosis.

      The ICA Recommendations for Reducing the Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer

    Studies have shown that adopting a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer, including prostate cancer. The ICA recommends the male population to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer in the following ways:

    • Adopt a balanced diet: it is recommended to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit as well as high fiber foods, and avoid eating high calorie foods rich in sugar and fat. Minimize the consumption of processed, smoked, fried, salted and canned foods. Reduce red meat consumption and choose water over sweet drinks.

    • Consider regular consumption of tomatoes: there is scientific evidence that high and regular consumption of tomatoes, fresh or cooked, such as Shakshuka sauce, etc., may help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Therefore, one should consider a regular intake of tomatoes as part of the daily diet.

    • Keep a balanced body weight and avoid weight gain: it is best to maintain a proper BMI of 18.5 to 24.9.

    • Perform regular physical exercise: it is recommended to perform at least 30 minutes of rigorous physical exercise a day, to raise one's heartbeat, such as: brisk walking, running, biking, swimming, etc.

    • Avoid smoking completely: refraining from smoking cigarettes in particular and all tobacco and nicotine products in general, including hookah and e-cigarettes, can reduce the risk of morbidity. According to scientific studies, there is no safe level of smoking; therefore, smokers must stop smoking completely in order to avoid the risks of smoking. It is also recommended to avoid passive smoking and third-hand smoking, including exposure to cancerous, toxic particles that attach to clothing, hair and carpets.

      The ICA Recommendations for Symptoms Requiring Medical Attention

    The Ministry of Health and ICA guidelines for early detection of cancer diseases do not include an all-encompassing recommendation for screening. However, the ICA does recommend paying attention to symptoms requiring medical attention. The main symptom requiring examination is difficulty in urinating. In addition, one or more of the following symptoms may occur:

  • Difficulty initiating urination.

  • Weak urine flow.

  • Urination takes longer, or stops and resumes intermittently. 

  • A need to urinate more frequently during the day, though the overall amount is small.

  • A sudden need to urinate at night, unlike before.

  • An urgent need to urinate at any given time, with hardly being able to control it.

  • Feeling like urination is incomplete, though no further urine is excreted. 

  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating.

  • Blood in semen.

  • Decline in sexual functioning.

    If any of the above symptoms appear, the ICA recommends consulting a physician, preferably a urologist, for further inquiry. In most cases, it is not cancer, but proper, timely diagnosis will allow for suitable treatment.

The Israel Cancer Association's Information Center presents the latest research:


Exercise during Radiation Therapy Improves Physical Function of Prostate Cancer Patients

A recent research from Western Australia examined the effect of exercise training on fatigue and quality of life in prostate cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy and their physical function. Further examined was the effect of clinic-and/or home-based resistance and/or aerobic exercise program during the course of radiation therapy in men with prostate cancer.

For the full article