Cancer Prevention
Healthy Lifestyle

Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle


Your Life is in Your Hands


Our knowledge of cancer is constantly expanding. We know about over 200 different types of cancer, and we can cure a lot of them when they've been detected at an early stage.   


In recent years, an opinion has formed that an overwhelming majority of cancer diseases are related to behavior, lifestyle, and exposure to carcinogenic air pollutants. Many research studies indicate risk factors that may increase cancer incidence, as opposed to defensive factors which may reduce the risk of contracting the disease, and even prevent it.


Many mistakenly believe that people are "predestined" to get cancer, and that we have no way of subduing the disease. However, today it is a known fact that some cancers can indeed be prevented. 


The adoption of a healthier lifestyle can significantly improve your health and help prevent certain cancers. It has been proven that about 85% of lung cancer cases are the direct effects of smoking, hence, avoiding this hazardous habit, or terminating it, may prevent the development of the disease in smokers or those around them (passive smokers). 


New research studies indicate that excess weight, consumption of high fat foods, high caloric intake, and limited physical activity, may increase the risk of contracting various cancers. It is also known that avoiding excessive or uncontrolled sun exposure may reduce the risk of contracting skin cancer. 


 The recommended steps to reduce the risk of getting cancer:


  • Stop smoking and avoid smoking around others. Smoking is hazardous to smokers and endangers the health of passive smokers.

  • Maintain a healthy body weight by adhering to a balanced and low-fat diet, avoid excessive calorie intake.

  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly those that contain a large amount of:

  • Vitamin A and beta carotene such as: Carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, sweet potato, melon, spinach, peaches and apricots.

  • Vitamin C such as: Oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, red and green pepper, tomatoes, broccoli, melon, mango, and papaya.

  • Cruciferous vegetables, such as: Brocoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, colorabi and radish.

  • Foods containing dietary fiber such as: Bananas, pears, apples, apricots, plums, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, peppers, peas, spinach and broad beans.
  • Additional sources of dietary fiber: Whole wheat bread, whole grain rice, corn seeds, legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas/garbanzo beans, peas, soy beans), dried fruits and nuts.


  • It is imperative to consult with your physician prior to partaking in any new activity or changing nutritional habits!


  • Participate in moderate and controlled physical activity such as walking and exercises.

  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. Don't drink more than one serving a day (one serving = a can of beer, half a cup of wine or a shot glass of whiskey).

  • Refrain from eating smoked, fried or preserved foods.

  • Avoid uncontrolled sun exposure, by taking the recommended precautions such as: The proper attire, a hat, sunglasses, applying sunscreen lotion, and staying out of the sun during peak hours. Avoid sunburns particularly during childhood.

  • Avoid exposure to carcinogenic materials such as: Asbestos or radon and take recommended precautions. It is important to follow the recommended safety rules when using materials that may be carcinogenic.

  • Get the Hepatitis B vaccine, which may reduce the risk of developing liver cancer, and get the cervical cancer vaccine which may become a standard vaccination provided by healthcare funds.


  • It is important to keep in mind that early detection is key to finding a cure!