ICA's SHAHAK Project

SHAHAK Project


The SHAHAK Project was established in 1979 by the Student Authority, the Immigrant Absorption Ministry and the Jewish Agency.

  • SHAHAK has two primary goals:

bul11 Assisting immigrant students.

bul11 Providing them with opportunities to integrate into Israeli society by opening additional channels for meeting people and sharing experiences.


  • The collaboration formed between the Project and ICA has enabled the integration of the students into the cancer support system.


  • The students are trained in social and community activities and receive group and individual consultation from project coordinators.

For more infromation, kindly contact: +972-3-572.16.50.


Kindly contact us, should you wish to contribute to this project. Please note that all donations received are transferred in full (no overhead is taken).


  • Lili Biller Lev

Committees and Projects Manager


Telephone: +972-3-571.95.74
