Prevention & Early Detection

Prevention & Early Detection


The Israel Cancer Association i
nvests tireless efforts in continually developing and implementing new and effective early detection programs.

  • Initiates and implements nationwide screening programs that have been proven beneficial, and purchases advanced diagnostic systems.

  • Strives to raise public awareness and compliance to undergo the recommended examinations, through information and educational programs for the general public, and provides training for health care personnel.

  • Breast cancer is Israel's most widespread malignant disease, affecting one in every 8 women in her lifetime.

  • But with early detection, approximately 90% of the women afflicted can be cured, and here too, ICA leads the fight against breast cancer, addressing the matter on all fronts.

  • ICA's National Mammography Screening Program initiative, along with its "Invitation to Life" project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Health Care Funds, have personally invited women in the target age group to undergo mammography examinations.

  • The National Mammography Screening Program, along with ongoing information campaigns, helped to significantly raise the level of awareness and compliance to early detection.

  • To this date, over 5,200,000 examinations have been conducted within the framework of this national program. 72% of those diagnosed were in early stages of the disease with a very high chance for recovery.

  • ICA purchased a Mobile Mammography Unit with the intent to improve accessibility in georgraphical and social peripheries aamong population sectors whose compliance to undergo the examination is considerably low.

  • The Mobile Mammography Unit is available to women residing in remote areas such as Arab villages, who are less aware of the importance of screening tests, and geographical peripheries where there is a high percentage of new immigrants, ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, etc.

  • The current data indicates a significant reduction in the disparities between different population sectors since its operation.

  • In 2009, the WHO survey of the European region revealed that Israel leads in mammography compliance rates, in view of the reduced disparities between different sectors of the population.

  • Based on data collected through the National Mammography Screening and Quality Assurance Program financed by ICA, it is shown that since the inception of the project, breast cancer early detection rates have significantly improved.

  • As a result, Israel is among the leading countries with the highest survival rates, and according to the Central Bureau of Statistics, mortality rates have decreased by 30% over the last decade since the inception of the nationwide screening program.


ICA "Telemeida" Hotline Service:

  • Is another means by which ICA offers the public comprehensive information on all aspects of cancer in Hebrew, Arabic and Russian.


ICA's Cancer Resource and Information Center:


  • Provides assistance in seeking further information through access to international databases and professional publications.


  • ICA is proud to serve as Israel's leading source of information in the fight against cancer.

  • Thanks to ICA's intensive efforts in early detection and raising public awareness, there has been increased awareness of the critical importance of early detection screenings for cancer.


Kindly contact us, should you wish to contribute to this project. Please note that all donations received are transferred in full (no overhead is taken).


  • Lili Biller Lev

Committees and Projects Manager


Telephone: +972-3-571.95.74
