Helping Children
Facts about Children & Cancer

Numbers & Facts


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif In recent years there has been an increase in the number of cancer survivors.


bul3 Today there are numerous treatment modalities, which may, in most cases, lead to complete recovery, increased life expectancy for childhood cancer survivors, and the return to the regular routine of childhood, or to periods of respite from the disease.


bul3 It should be kept in mind that treating different types of childhood cancers places complicated demands on hospitals and on the children's primary caregivers.


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif General Data about Cancer Diseases in Children and Adolescents:


bul3 Childhood cancers are much less common than cancers in adults.


bul3 300 to 400 children with cancer are diagnosed each year in Israel. 


bul3 In Europe and the United States 10 to 15 cases per 1 million inhabitants are diagnosed annually.  The types of cancers that occur in children vary greatly from those seen in adults.


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif The most prevalent childhood cancers:


bul3 The most prevalent childhood cancer is leukemia (cancer of the blood) which constitutes about 30% of all childhood cancers. 


bul3 Malignant brain tumors (Medoloblastoma, Astrocytoma) constitute 15-20%.  Cancer of the lymph nodes (Hodgkin's lymphoma, Burkitt's Lymphoma, or others) constitutes 10-15% of all childhood cancers.


bul3 Other prevalent childhood cancers: cancer of the sympathetic nervous system (Meuroblastoma) 5-10%, kidney cancer (Wilms' tumor) 5-7%, bone cancer (Ewing's Sarcoma, Osteosarcoma) 7-8%, soft tissue cancer (Rabdomiosarcoma) 5-6%, liver cancer (Heptoblastoma, Heptocarcinoma) 3-4%, tumors of the reproductive system (ovarian and testicular cancer) 4%, and Retinoblastoma (eye cancer) 1-2%. 


bul3 Childhood cancer most commonly occurs at the age of 6, and in 50% of cases, the disease breaks out at the age of 4-5. 


bul3 The incidence of childhood cancer for boys is substantially higher than for girls.