
2019 Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Awareness Week

17/06/2019 07:58:05

Israel Cancer Association – Spokesperson Announcement

2019 Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Awareness Week

June 17 - 23 2019

Israel Cancer Association announces 2019 Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Awareness Week

About 154 new melanoma patients are diagnosed every month and about 17 Israelis die each month

There is a moderate yet significant rise in invasive melanoma amongst men

A moderate yet significant rise in melanoma in-situ amongst men and women, which enables greater chances of recovery

In the past: Israel was ranked number 3 in the world after Australia and New Zealand in the number of new patients each year. Thanks to ICA’s vigorous and continuous work, there has been a dramatic change for the better.

Today: Australia still leads with a morbidity rate of 33.6 patients per 100,000 citizens, while Israel is ranked number 27 in morbidity rate with 8.3 patients per 100,000 citizens>>>the *lowest morbidity rate is in Malta, with 8 patients per 100,000 citizens, not far ahead of Israel. So in actuality, Israel is ranked number 24 out of 25, considering that some of the countries have the exact same morbidity rate.

Today: New Zealand still leads with a mortality rate of 4.8 patients per 100,000 citizens, while Israel is ranked number 20 in mortality rate with 1.8 patients per 100,000 citizens>>>the *lowest mortality rate is in Canada, 1.6 patients per 100,000 citizens, not far ahead of Israel. So in actuality, Israel is ranked number 12 out of 14, considering that some of the countries have the exact same mortality rate.

(*of the 30 countries with the highest rates in the world)

91% of the patients in Israel were diagnosed at a very early stage which improves the chances of recovery

Hundreds of skin check-up clinics will open in health care funds across Israel at the ICA’s initiative, providing skin check-ups free of charge  between June 17 and 23 2019.

ICA Director General: “We call upon the public to be Sunsmart all year round in order to reduce the chances of getting sick. Early detection is life-saving, so when in doubt, consult your physician, not just during awareness week, but throughout the year”.

The ICA announced the start of 2019 Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Awareness Week, opening hundreds of skin check-up clinics that will provide skin check-ups free of charge across Israel between June 17 and 23 2019, in collaboration with Clalit, Maccabi, Meuhedet and Leumit health care funds. This is the 27th year of the unique campaign initiated by the ICA, inviting the general public to a free early detection screening for skin cancer. The check-up clinics are manned by dermatologists and plastic surgeons, who will perform skin cancer and melanoma early detection examinations that can save lives.  The list of clinics will be published close to the launching of the campaign in the media channels, on the ICA website and on the association’s Facebook page found in this link.

Who is at risk for skin cancer?

  • People with multiple moles (especially more than 20).
  • People with fair, freckled skin, light eyes and blond or red hair.
  • People whose skin burns easily in the sun, or does not tan at all.
  • People whose close relatives have multiple moles or a history of skin cancer.
  • People with a history of frequent severe sunburns, mainly in childhood.
  • People who take immunosuppressive drugs or suffer from illnesses that weaken the immune system (such as Parkinson patients or patients with transplants).

Guidelines for proper application of sunscreen

  • Use sunscreen anytime you go outdoors.
  • Apply sunscreen generously about 30 minutes before you leave the house, in order to create a thick protective layer.
  • Reapply upon arrival at the beach or any other location in which you are exposed to the sun. Double application will ensure full coverage of all exposed body parts. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen on your hands, ears, feet and nape. Lips should be protected by a suitable product containing sunscreen.
  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours.
  • Use a water resistant product and reapply after being in the water or sweating and wiping the skin with a towel.