
Go Get Yourself Checked

21/10/2012 18:32:22


One simple test can help save lives


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the ICA partnered with Onlife Website to launch a Facebook Page (in Hebrew) aimed at reaching every woman in Israel, to inform both women and men that everyone can potentially save lives.

Big-Bullet-SQR.gif No, you don't have to write where you'll be travelling this year, or where you keep your purse (these are common breast cancer campaigns that have been launched on Facebook in previous years).

So what's this all about (for women and men)?

  1. Take a piece of paper
  2. Write a sentence/motto on the piece of paper that refers to you or other women you know - women who have recovered, survived or succumbed to breast cancer, be it a close friend or a distant acquaintance.  You may write any thought relating to breast cancer that pops into your head: do you get yourself regularly checked, are you afraid of the screening test/breast cancer (?), do you worry about women who are close to you - anything you think is important to mention.
  3. Photograph yourself holding the sign/piece of paper you have written.
  4. Enter the special page we've launched on Facebook and post the photo to the Facebook wall.
  5. Most importantly: share your photo immediately upon uploading it.  All your friends will see the photo, and can join the Facebook page, and this is how we can reach every Israeli - every man, and particularly every woman - and increase early detection that has the potential to save lives.

Big-Bullet-SQR.gif When it comes to breast cancer, early detection can save lives.  It's a simple fact.  The more we diagnose the disease at its early stages, the higher the cure rates - reaching 90% and higher.

So what do we recommend?

Big-Bullet-SQR.gif It is recommended that women aged 50 and older undergo a mammography screening once every two years.


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Women over the age of 40 with a "family history" should be checked once a year.


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif BRCA1/2 mutation carriers should undergo an MRI screening.


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Breast self-examinations have not been proven to be effective; however it is recommended that every woman be aware of any unusual changes in her body and breasts and should any lumps/changes be detected, she should proceed immediately to her general practitioner.


Here are photos of several women who have already been photographed and posted their photos on the Facebook wall:

ICA and Sharon Haziz

"I listened to my body, I checked myself, got myself checked, got cancer!Early detection can save your life!"

ICA and Dana

"Too big, too small?  Our only worries should be about their size.....(I'm going to get myself checked right away!)"

Guy Meroz and ICA

"Isn't it better to be alive?  Go get yourself checked!"


ICA and Anat Harel

"I don't want to survive - I want to live!  And you? Go get yourself checked!"

Go Get Yourself Checked

"I am aware and I get myself checked.  My sister survived breast cancer."