
Continuing to Fight Cancer: Pianist Dr. Orit Wolf Hosted Nobel Prize Laureate, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover for a Concert Series to Benefit the Cancer Association


Dr. Orit Wolf, an international pianist and multi-disciplinary artist, is currently holding a series of concerts that include diverse artistic collaborations aimed at making classical music accessible to a wide audience in a fascinating and inspiring way.

Two of the performances this week featured Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, the Honorary President of the Israel Cancer Association and Nobel Prize laureate, and focused on a dialogue about science and music under the title: "Artists and Scientists, The Lives Behind the Scenes." The proceeds from the performances held at the Tel Aviv Museum with Prof. Ciechanover's participation will be donated to the Israel Cancer Association.

Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, who as a young researcher received research grants from the Cancer Association, said during the performance: "The Association is wonderful. In light of what is happening today in the State of Israel, we understand where the strength of this people comes from. The Association does everything that is needed, except irradiating the patients and giving them chemotherapy, which the oncologists do - it does everything else. Every year, about 30,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in Israel. People who find out they are ill, their world is turned upside down, and here stands the Association to respond to everything that oncology does not do. Whether it is research, or nurses for treatment coordination, hospice care, training - and all this without taking a single penny from the Israeli government. All thanks to public donations within the framework of the door-to-door campaign and other campaigns. It is important to understand today that this is part of the powerful Israeli spirit. Without such associations, we would not be here. It warms me, and I am there wholeheartedly."

Dr. Orit Wolf emphasized: "When I met Moise Bar Haim, the CEO of the Cancer Association, who is sitting with us today and I want to thank him personally and his entire team, a window opened for me to understand the magnitude of the work and the level of detail that this Association deals with, and I want to thank them."

At the end of the performance, Moise Bar Haim, CEO of the Cancer Association, came on stage and presented a bouquet of flowers in appreciation to Prof. Ciechanover and Dr. Orit Wolf. Also participating in the performance were sand artist Ilana Yahav, singer Limor Oved, and the dance duo Ella Aronov and Gadi Gitsis.