
Israel Cancer Association Fashion Brand Fair


ICA's annual fashion fundraiser is a fun-filled animated event, inviting you to enjoy and indulge yourself; this fair offers you the opportunity to make purchases, and at the same time, welcomes your support which comes straight from the heart - all proceeds will be donated to ICA's broad-based and diverse activities.


High-end fashion brands, footwear and accessories will be offered for sale, including a variety of gifts for the High Holidays and works of art.  The event will also run a market featuring ethnic cuisine: pitot, vegetables, cheeses, cakes, challot for Shabbat and the list goes on and on......


All items for sale were donated with love, all for the fight against cancer.


The donated merchandise will be sold at attractive discounts and affordable prices.   Cash, cheques and credit cards are accepted.


ICA Bazar




Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Friday, 28 August 2015, from 8:30-14:30.



Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Beit Mati, Israel Cancer Association Headquarters, 7 Revivim Street, Givatayim, 3rd Floor.
Big-Bullet-SQR.gif ICA building parking lot, upon availability. 
Interested in donating products?


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif For more information and for those interested in donating to the event or helping out in general, please call us at: 03-5721603 or email us at: rachel_o@cancer.org.il

Some of the designer labels and companies that contributed clothing and accessories for the fair:
Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Women's Fashion

Stella and Lori, Hagar Kedmi, Keezi, Yucca, Ha'ayin Hashlishit (The Third Eye), Roni Kantor, Motif, Numa, Mona, Aino, Talia, Hagit Tassa, Ronen Chen, Magpie Goose, Yael Admoni, Assaf Peleg, Smadar Grishka, Fiss, Kantan, Matuta, Daniela Mikusha, Sara Brown, Alef Alef, Talia Sol, Rami Fashion, April Paris, Daniella Lehavi, Karin A, Sexso, Partouche Fashion Design, Kakao Fashion, Paz Bohem, Girlish Anna, Tzila - Tafur Alayich, Hila Shavit Ruth, Lilach Tamari, Alambika, With Love Yael, Efrat Kalig, and the list goes on and on....


Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Children's Fashion

SweetGirlShop, Nuki'le, Freddy Bib, Noga Geva Design, Simple Fashion, Patito Fashion.

Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Footwear

Caligula, Crocs, Paez, Rocket Dog.

Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Bags

Fullspot, Efratul Designs, Anat Gelbard.

Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Gifts and Houseware

Michsaf, Naama Rotem, Agadot Venagarim, Yehudit Wexler, Office Textile, Darlain Home Fashion Stores, Hakoach Furniture Ltd., Michal Marom.

Big-Bullet-SQR.gif Ethnic Food Market
Tzipor Hasharon, Eretz Zayit (Land of Olives).

We will be happy to see you among our guests!