Melanoma is a malignant skin cancer which is detectable at the early stages. Early detection significantly increases cure rates.
Due to the importance of early detection, the ICA in collaboration with Herzliya Municipality and Meir Medical Center initiated a public information activity and mole screenings at Acadia Herzliya beach, aimed at preventing skin cancer and detecting the disease in its early stages.
Prof. Shalom Avshalom examining beachgoers
On Friday, September 25, 2015, lifeguards invited numerous beachgoers who were at Acadia beach to come and get themselves checked at the clinic on the beach. The mole screening tests were conducted by Prof. Shalom Avshalom, Director of the Plastic Surgery Unit at Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba.
Distribution of public information materials
Mrs. Yali Kalrich, an ICA public information instructor, manned the ICA's public information booth, and distributed informational materials to the diverse range of beachgoers who visited the booth: parents of children and infants, teens, and senior citizens, and also handed out "Sun Smart" ® stickers and workbooks to the younger audience.