"Friends of the Israel Cancer Association" throughout the world have joined forces to support and advance the battle against cancer. The Israel Cancer Association is fortunate to have the support of associations operating in different countries around the world. These overseas volunteers implement projects in the fight against cancer and play an important role as partners in our common endeavor that crosses all boundaries and nationalities. The Friends Associations launch their own annual fundraising campaigns, enabling the continuation of the myriad of activities and programs that ICA initiates. ICA is in need of this significant support in order to continue to work relentlessly "for the patient and against the disease", striving to eradicate the disease. If you would like to join the "Friends of ICA" or open a branch in your country please contact:Ms. Noëmie Rubinsztejn
Tel.: +972-3-572.16.58
E-Mail: noemier@cancer.org.il